Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Alberta businesses: Help us help others

Hey Alberta businesses: Do you know a worthy non-profit who needs help spreading their message?

We want to help!

We are teaming up with the Phoenix Design Group to offer a dynamic website and all content development  and photography at no cost to a non-profit organization in need.

Web design:   Phoenix Design Group
Web strategy, site map and content: southpaw communications (website well, here...)
Photography:  Deanna Hall Photography

(Huge thanks to the participating partners!)

But how will we decide who we build the site for?
That’s where you come in. We are inviting Alberta businesses to nominate an Alberta non-profit that either a) currently has a website that desperately needs an overhaul or b) has no site at all and needs one.

Once all nominations are in by February 29, 2012, we will get together ensure they all meet the criteria and then draw the winner on March 1, 2012.

Of course, there are some limitations and some fine print.
-      The nominee must be Albertan, serving Alberta (or larger audience)
-      They must own their own domain and have full access to hosting info (we can help set it up if they have no current website)
-      The layout and design of the site will be at our discretion, in tandem with the needs and wants of   the winner
-      The winner must be compliant and provide all information for content and direction in a timely manner
-      This is for an informational site only (no e-commerce, CMS etc.)

How do you nominate an organization?
-          Email us:
o   Who the organization is
o   Their mandate, audience, services they provide
o   Their current online presence (website or not – please include web address if they currently have one)
o   Why you believe they deserve to win the website
o   Contact information for the organization



Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Grow your successful business! But first, get a grown-up email address...

Looks like your dad's email address right? So it should not be what you use to represent your business.  Regardless of whether you have (or need) a website - you can still get a professional email address! I had my email address in action months before I had my actual site functional.

Why? Because it makes you look like you have your shit together. A gmail or hotmail account seems kinda shady, no? Seems like it just might be a scam? Someone operating from their basement?

Even worse: or

Well, even if you don't see it that way - the professional email address is still the way to go. Even if you do not have a website (chances are you need one anyway...) you can still register your domain (that's your and activate the email address associated with it. And it's affordable!

Companies like or any other website hosting company make this really easy to do. Don't wanna go at it alone? Let your resident web designer or 15 year old take care of it.  But, if I can do it, you can do it.  Trust me, it will vastly improve the image clients develop of you and your business.

Your brand is all about visibility and professionalism.  Do all you can to build it well.